Ava had her 6 mo check up today. Here's the stats: Weight 19# 1 oz (90th%) Length 27 1/4 inches (90th%) and head circum 17 3/4 (95th%) Dr was amazed that she can connect me and the word mama!! She is doing much better!! Not coughing hardly at all. Smiles all the time and now is starting to sound like Laney did-growling. She loves listening to her own voice and loves watching any little kid that is around. She squeals with delight now too! Hope all is well. Will update more when I have a few minutes to myself!! yeah right.
Sunday, December 7
HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY SUZIE !! We love and miss you.
So I guess no pictures right now. Can't get it to work. Next time. Well, Ava has outgrown her swing now. I put her in it the other day and it worked really hard to get her moving but she just wouldn't move. So I brought out the walker and she likes it so far. She moves it a little when she jerks around and when she gets happy but that is it so far. She also still won't say mama for me anymore, only dada. Why do men get all the recognition? I am with her all the time and you would think she would be happy and excited to say my name but nooooooooooo. Oh well. Such is life. Emily has a cold now. C' mon. I know, 'tis the season but seriously, can't I catch a break. It just gets passed back and forth between all of us. She is doing good though. Steve and her went out to actually rake the leaves today(not just play in them) and he got some cute pictures. Will try next time to get them up. Hope all is well with everyone and "YES" Jason we want to go to another KOL concert.(especially now that I know their music and am infatuated with them) So find out when and where and let us know!!!
Ava can now say mama (nana) and dada when she wants. Steve was holding her when he got home from hunting and when he put her down and walked away, she looked toward him and said DADA!!!! yeah. Also over the weekend we worked on saying mama. She knows that that is my name and associates it with me. She only tries to say nana tho for some reason. Oh well. It works for me!!! Nothing else is going on. Ava is feeling better and back up to eating 6-8 oz again. She also doesn't like to sleep anywhere but HER bed or swing. For some reason when my mom watches her, she won't sleep for her at all. hmmmmmm...
Sunday, November 9
First, thank you Jason and Stacey for bringing us to the concert. It was a blast. We went and saw Kings of Leon in Detroit on Saturday night. Second, thank you Mom and Dad Shrontz for watching the girls over night so we could go to the concert. And third, thank you Stacey for taking wonderful pictures of my beautiful girls and for driving. Well we did absolutely NOTHING on Sunday. Well, actually me and the girls went to a Christmas gathering for the Shrontz's but nothing other than that. Steve has the flu and has been throwing up for 2 days now. I feel so bad for him. He has off Monday and Tuesday, thank goodness, then back to Hemloch for 2 days and Friday off. So he will leave on Friday for opening day(deer camp) I hope he starts feeling better. Emily had is last Sunday, Ava and Steve have it now. Looks like I am next in line. The funny thing is: We all had flu shots!! What a load of crap. Anyway, it was great to see you Jason and Stacey this weekend, we had a lot of fun. Hope you did too!!!
Look. You can see her second tooth. It came in today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay. It was absolutely gorgeous today. 75, sunny and warm. So I took the girls outside. Emily gets mad at me if I try to take her picture, so I just did Ava.
Finally. We woke up this morning to no screeching from the bird. Wow, that was nice. Of course Ava was babbling away in her bed, but we can live with that. Some guy from Holland came and looked at him last night and bought him. It feels so good to be pet free. Now only if someone wants the house?! Know anyone?? So anyways, it is 9:30 on Sunday night and Emily is sick. I went to bring both girls to spend the night at Grammy's and around 8 pm she started throwing up. I didn't think it would be that big of deal, but when she got listless and then started throwing up on me, I thought I better bring her back home with me. So hopefully she will sleep through the night and be better in the morning(cuz I have to work) and I can bring her back to Grammy. Ava is spending the night there. Oh yeah, almost forgot. Ava can roll over now!! She does it every time she's on her back. She doesn't get too mad tho being on her stomach(like most do). She just drools a ton. Still waiting for her 2nd tooth to break through. It is right there, you can feel and see it, it just won't come through. I guess it will happen soon enough. Well, adios.